Thursday, 29 March 2012

Petrol Crisis

**Warning Rant Ahead** I just watched the news about the “Petrol Crisis” how people are queuing up to get petrol and getting jerry cans of petrol cause the tank drivers might go on strike I mean they haven’t even said they officially going on strike and if they do they give a week, so people who getting petrol now will need to do it again within a week cause the earliest time they can strike is 2 weeks time because they give a week notice. I just think the moment we see a problem we panic, I mean if they were only 100 cows left would we all run to McDonalds or Burger King? But I remember when chicken flu came I can’t remember people stop buying KFC.

Ok I admit I like my conspiracy theories (JFK shot by his driver) even if end of the world going happen this year, I mean good time to panic and good reason to panic buy. I mean in America they have tornado like hit them in certain months they sit them out and collect their things from miles around but they won’t buy another things before the tornado season.

Going back to petrol I mean why people moaning about they can’t drive to the shops and back or take their kids to school in big 4x4 cause they need go over speed bumps, I mean people use to walk before cars existed. I know that’s hard to believe but people was give feet. Also I’m thinking there a large vehicles keep going around and stopping certain stop they stop and pick people up oh yeah its buses.

I know I’m moaning but I think the only people who should get petrol are like working vehicles e.g. vans, lorries and buses because that’s their work desk I mean they could catch a bus or choose other ways to travel to work. I mean I’ve been driving over 2 years now cause people choosing to panic buying I’m going on my bicycle cause it’s cheap and fun apart when there is a bus in front of you and behind you that’s scary but if you protect yourself there is nothing to worry about.

I forgot to write about the strikes about the Army saying they stand in if the tankers go on strike so why are people worrying? I think the British people worry about anything, I mean we have several days in sun and we got a drought but then places like Texas, Mexico, Spain also meant to be warn never saying about drought. I just wrote this to get my feelings out and might make drivers who worrying about petrol think it’s going come back ok I know no reads me if you read this please refer me.

That’s goodnight from me.

Friday, 3 February 2012

“Good Morning Mr No Cuddles”

Hey I want to talk about my life, I’ve got a beautiful girlfriend and I’m training to become a bus driver I have been studying for a month for the theory test. Most of the questions are common sense like what should you do if someone bleeding: A) give me a hot drink B) Put pressure on it C) Walk it off D) Ask them on a date. Obviously that wasn’t a question but that what some question are like but then you read a section about the braking section, it takes it out of you.

With my girlfriend she a right character, she is one of the funniest people I know, I mean when I asked her to marry me she said really? It took another 45 minutes to get a answer in car way back home. Well I woke up the other morning with she  awake already she was in mood you can tell by her face then I get the response “Good Morning Mr No Cuddles”  

She informed me I didn’t give her cuddles while we were sleeping, I mean how could I give her cuddles while I’m sleeping? But she said I made up because I held her hand when I was still sleep but it made up to her from no cuddles, this all happened when I was asleep.

Ok latest news I was with my friend having a gaming session and his dog jumped on his lap while we playing Tekken. That was funny because the dog was playing him up I was getting kills, but then we fought with our Wangs against each other (people who use to Tekken knows what I mean) this bought our boy side and we was giggling while I was giggling I lost a couple rounds.

I got my test this Monday so hopefully next week I will have a job.

That’s good night from me.